21 Jul 2021
July 2021 Communication
Cefic has formed a new Sector Group, Fluorinated Products and PFAS for Europe (FPP4EU), whose aim is to work together with all stakeholders on PFAS. Whilst these substances play many important roles in modern society, challenges with their emissions into the environment led to a proposal to restrict them as a group of substances under REACH. FPP4EU stands ready to connect with authorities, NGOs, academics and the supply chain to work on the challenges ahead. It hopes to understand how:
- PFAS will be defined,
- REACH can efficiently regulate PFAS as a group,
- Authorities intend to identify which PFAS are essential for society,
- PFAS grouping can be done on a scientific, pragmatic and enforceable basis,
- The latest science is employed to ultimately shape PFAS restrictions,
- Responsible manufacturing processes and innovation can play a role.
FPP4EU is ready to work on PFAS with all stakeholders.