21 Mar 2022


The agri-food sector is one of the most important sectors of both the European and the global economy. It is also one of the most complex sectors, characterized by a wide array of unique features. The diversity of its products, the dependency of production on weather conditions, the logistics in production and consumption and the dominance of SMEs make the sector one of the most difficult ones to navigate but also one of the corner stones of the European single market. In recent years, a surge in quality and safety demands from customers, combined with trends of increased consumption and an ever decreasing resource base have altered the landscape of the sector. The need for further digitisation, higher environmental standards and the transition towards a sustainable future in Europe have put technology into the foreground of the sector. Most of the research and experimental field activities in the agri-food sector focus on creating new applications or making the already existing ones more durable and long lasting. PFAS is used in many of these applications, providing European SMEs with the necessary tools to navigate through the many obstacles and provide high quality products in a sustainable way.